Academic databases of primary hieratic sources and other relevant literature

Museums and collections

Ägyptische und orientalische Rubensohn-Bibliothek von Elephantine
Approximately 1000 objects and materials with texts (in Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, Greek, Coptic, and Arabic).
Archive of the Griffith Institute, Oxford
Checklist of transcribed hieratic documents.
BerlPap: Berliner Papyrusdatenbank
Greek and Latin sources.
Bibliothèque nationale de France: archives et manuscrits
Database of manuscripts and the inventory of the French national library; entries of Egyptian writings with extensive information, bibliography and images.
British Museum, London, Search the collection database
Retrieved April 2013: 2788 entries on objects with hieratic writing.
Giessener Papyri- und Ostrakadatenbank
Retrieved April 2013: 6 records on hieratic texts.
British Museum, London, Online Research catalogue of the Ramesseum papyri
Collection and discussion of all papyri from the Ramesseum in Berlin and London (R.B. Parkinson).
Global Egyptian Museum
Over 400 documents in various writings.
Joconde - Catalogue des Collections des Musées de France
Retrieved August 2013: 10 records under hiératique.
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Over 1850 entries on hieratic documents.
Museum of Fine Arts Boston
Retrieved April 2013: 28 entries on objects with hieratic writing.
Papyrus Carlsberg Collection, Kopenhagen
Retrieved April 2013: 30 published hieratic texts.
Papyrus und Ostraka Projekt Halle, Jena, Leipzig
(including complete photo documentation of the Ebers papyrus).
University College London (UCL)
Petrie Collection Online Catalogue.
Edwin Smith Papyrus
From the U.S. National Library of Medicine.
Egyptological Museum Search
Tool that searches through several selected museum collections, developped by Alexander Ilin-Tomich, visiting scholar at the Institute for Ancient History | Egyptology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz.
Sammlung des Moskauer Staatlichen Museums für Bildende Künste A. S. Puschkin
Unfortunately, the database is only in Russian. Ready-made queries by Alexander Ilin-Tomich can be found here:

Portals and online resources

Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions
ca. 4500 records with early dynastic inscriptions (Ilona Regulski).
Date Converter
Converts dates that are mentioned in Greek and Demotic Papyri from Egypt into Julian and Gregorian calender dates.
Deir el-Medîna Database, Leiden
Since November 2009: over 4300 records of non-literary texts from the New Kingdom.
Deir el Medine online, München
Presentation including transliterations, translations, images, and discussions of ca. 500 non-literary ostraca from Deir el-Medina (the series oQurna and oBerlin are not complete).
EEF Guide to internet resources for Ancient Egyptian texts
Chronological collection of online resources for ancient Egyptian texts.
Literaturdatenbank Münster
Databases of the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology within the faculty of Philology at the University of Münster (key words Hieratisch, Hieratische Papyrus).
Mnamon Linksammlung
Portal for online resources on ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean with a section on "Hieratic“.
Papyrological material worldwide; ca. 150 entries on "Hieratic" (April 2013).
Papyrus Portal
Collection of European databases, offers direct retrieval of metadata.
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae
Transliterations and translations of hieratic texts, especially literary texts (Leipzig), magical texts (Digital Heka, Leipzig), and the Book of the Dead (Bonn).
Information on papyrological sources from 800 BC to 800 AD HHP: database of hieroglyphic and hieratic papyri.