Museums and collections
Ägyptische und orientalische Rubensohn-Bibliothek von Elephantine Approximately 1000 objects and materials with texts (in Hieratic, Demotic, Aramaic, Greek, Coptic, and Arabic). |
Archive of the Griffith Institute, Oxford Checklist of transcribed hieratic documents. |
BerlPap: Berliner Papyrusdatenbank Greek and Latin sources. |
Bibliothèque nationale de France: archives et manuscrits Database of manuscripts and the inventory of the French national library; entries of Egyptian writings with extensive information, bibliography and images. |
British Museum, London, Search the collection database Retrieved April 2013: 2788 entries on objects with hieratic writing. |
Giessener Papyri- und Ostrakadatenbank Retrieved April 2013: 6 records on hieratic texts. |
British Museum, London, Online Research catalogue of the Ramesseum papyri Collection and discussion of all papyri from the Ramesseum in Berlin and London (R.B. Parkinson). |
Global Egyptian Museum Over 400 documents in various writings. |
Joconde - Catalogue des Collections des Musées de France Retrieved August 2013: 10 records under hiératique. |
Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York Over 1850 entries on hieratic documents. |
Museum of Fine Arts Boston Retrieved April 2013: 28 entries on objects with hieratic writing. |
Papyrus Carlsberg Collection, Kopenhagen Retrieved April 2013: 30 published hieratic texts. |
Papyrus und Ostraka Projekt Halle, Jena, Leipzig (including complete photo documentation of the Ebers papyrus). |
University College London (UCL) Petrie Collection Online Catalogue. |
Edwin Smith Papyrus From the U.S. National Library of Medicine. |
Egyptological Museum Search Tool that searches through several selected museum collections, developped by Alexander Ilin-Tomich, visiting scholar at the Institute for Ancient History | Egyptology at the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz. |
Sammlung des Moskauer Staatlichen Museums für Bildende Künste A. S. Puschkin Unfortunately, the database is only in Russian. Ready-made queries by Alexander Ilin-Tomich can be found here: „hierat*“ „Papyrus“ „Ostrakon“ „Handschr*“ |
Portals and online resources
Database of Early Dynastic inscriptions ca. 4500 records with early dynastic inscriptions (Ilona Regulski). |
Date Converter Converts dates that are mentioned in Greek and Demotic Papyri from Egypt into Julian and Gregorian calender dates. |
Deir el-Medîna Database, Leiden Since November 2009: over 4300 records of non-literary texts from the New Kingdom. |
Deir el Medine online, München Presentation including transliterations, translations, images, and discussions of ca. 500 non-literary ostraca from Deir el-Medina (the series oQurna and oBerlin are not complete). |
EEF Guide to internet resources for Ancient Egyptian texts Chronological collection of online resources for ancient Egyptian texts. |
Literaturdatenbank Münster Databases of the Institute for Egyptology and Coptology within the faculty of Philology at the University of Münster (key words Hieratisch, Hieratische Papyrus). |
Mnamon Linksammlung Portal for online resources on ancient writing systems in the Mediterranean with a section on "Hieratic“. | Papyrological material worldwide; ca. 150 entries on "Hieratic" (April 2013). |
Papyrus Portal Collection of European databases, offers direct retrieval of metadata. |
Thesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae Transliterations and translations of hieratic texts, especially literary texts (Leipzig), magical texts (Digital Heka, Leipzig), and the Book of the Dead (Bonn). |
Trismegistos Information on papyrological sources from 800 BC to 800 AD HHP: database of hieroglyphic and hieratic papyri. |