Hieratic Studies Online 3 published

The third volume of the series Hieratic Studies Online has been released: Tabitha Kraus, Standardisierung und Variation. Eine Analyse zur Graphetik der Zeichenkategorie [VOGEL] in den hieratischen Papyri Berlin P. 3022–5. http://doi.org/10.25358/openscience-6615.


In Hieratic, there exists a variety of bird graphemes, the analysis of which this publication aims to achieve. Using the source material, the graphemes are described and compared to the underlying bird as well as the corresponding hieroglyph. Additionally, the functioning of the different forms of signs within a grapheme is understood, and their impact on the reading process is discussed. Among the bird graphemes in these sources, a total of eight basic forms are identified, which can be recognized as different graphemes with the help of additive elements. The publication is the revised master's thesis of the author.