
Contribution to Hieratic updated

The 29-page online article "Hieratic" was updated in June 2024, and the referenced signs are now linked with AKU-PAL, see: Verhoeven, Ursula, 2023, Hieratic. In Andréas Stauder and Willeke Wendrich (eds.), UCLA Encyclopedia of Egyptology, Los Angeles. ISSN 2693-7425.

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AKU-PAL version 1.3 released

New features in AKU-PAL 1.3 - Now including the ability to search by Georg Möller numbers


  • Number of occurrences in the palaeographic list
  • Search filter for Möller numbers
  • Bibliographic information for each hieratogram
  • Display of stroke sequence as vector graphics
  • Improved image quality for raster graphics


  • Granular search filters including epochs, dynasties, and rulers

Explore the new features of AKU-PAL now at

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AKU-PAL Version 1.2 released

New features in AKU-PAL 1.2 – Get extended metadata about graphemes!

One highlight is the link to other Egyptological projects and databases such as Thot Sign List and DPDP. Furthermore, the inclusion of grapheme numbers from printed palaeographies makes it easier to find information while searching in both analog and digital sources. Clearly visible information on software versions and databases guarantee additional transparency. Explore the new functions of AKU-PAL now at
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Of Marks and Meaning

The Dissertation of Project member Kyra van der Moezel is online! The work discusses the workmen's identity marks from Deir el-Medina and analyses them from palaeographic, semiotic, cognitive and comparative perspectives. The entire text, or separate chapters, can be downloaded in the open library of Leiden University.

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AKU goes Rhein-Main

Since the end of January, the AKU project can be found on the website of the Rhine-Main Universities (RMU) under the heading Research. The Goethe University Frankfurt, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz and TU Darmstadt form the so-called Rhine-Main Universities: an alliance characterized by close networking, cooperation and intensive exchange in the Rhine-Main metropolitan region. In this sense, our project does not only combine disciplines and jobs at various locations such as the department of Egyptology in Mainz and the Institute of Linguistics and Literature Darmstadt, but it also enriches the Rhine-Main area with an internationally cooperative research project in the field of ancient scripts and languages using digital methods.

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Akademieprojekt „Altägyptische Kursivschriften“ bis 2022 gesichert

Im Sommer 2017 hatte ein internationales Gutachterteam das seit 2015 bestehende Mainzer Akademieprojekt „Altägyptische Kursivschriften. Digitale Paläographie und systematische Analyse des Hieratischen und der Kursivhieroglyphen“ (Ltg. Univ.Prof. Dr. Ursula Verhoeven-van Elsbergen) vor Ort evaluiert. In der zweiten Januarwoche ist das positive Votum der WiKo nun schriftlich eingegangen. Abgesehen von den wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten wurden „die erfreuliche Einbindung des wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchses sowie die sehr positive Vernetzung und Präsenz innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Öffentlichkeit“ gelobt. Die nächste Evaluierung ist für 2022 vorgesehen.

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